Monday, September 13, 2010

My World Is Not Great Today..

I don't feel great about the world...something big and bad is going to happen. I can feel it. Makes life loose it's glimmer when Ass Holes are running around burning American flags and others burning the Quaran. :(

Watch these videos ... especially the last one...:(

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

James J. Lee Discovery Channel

Sitting here eating an awesome lunch and the news is finally entertaining! An activist names James J. Lee has entered the building with a gun and possibly some bombs. He has no hostages. It seems like he wants to be heard on a bigger stage... WORLWIDE! He has concerns about Earth. Pollution, over population, and saving the planet. After thinking we have all become zombies and will never stand up for a cause... it looks like someone has!

Now if you want to check out his site go here but I have a good feeling they are taking it down... cause I have not been able to access it! POLICE STATE!