Monday, April 14, 2008

April 14th 2008 another week :)

Okay so training is going well. I am not throwing the huge distances yet but that is because I am using light shots. It puts emphasis on speed development but I loose stimulation and timing. I am starting this week with 50% 14lb shot, 35% 16lb shot & 15& 18lb shot. Bigger throws will be coming as my body adapts to these cycles of throwing.

Monmouth 58.3ft(terrible but understandable) Princeton averaged 58 hit one at 62ft(getting better) U.V.A(this past weekend)61.9 for all six throws with no fouls(getting better!) I call this baby steps. Each week should be an improvement in some area. No time for mistakes!

Now, this past weekend was very fun. I competed at University of Virginia, against Adam Nelson who is currently ranked #1 in the world right now. After the meet we talked on some training philosophies and he gave me some tips on what he does through his training cycles...It helped out alot. Below is a picture of Adam and I giving our rank in the country as of 4/12/08. Adam, #1...of course, and me at 10th in the country.

My video from the meet will be up tonight at along with some more pics!

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