Quick post on how I feel and how every thing is going:
Tired (5am work)
Head ache (sugar hangover... too much ice cream cake last night)
Nephew in the hospital with pneumonia (ugh)
70% recovered from my injury
need a nap before practice
...but staying positive
YOu can read some better blog posts here http://strengthathletes.com/?page_id=863
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
My World Is Not Great Today..
I don't feel great about the world...something big and bad is going to happen. I can feel it. Makes life loose it's glimmer when Ass Holes are running around burning American flags and others burning the Quaran. :(
Watch these videos ... especially the last one...:(
Watch these videos ... especially the last one...:(
american flag burned,
quaran burning,
wtc mosque,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
James J. Lee Discovery Channel

Sitting here eating an awesome lunch and the news is finally entertaining! An activist names James J. Lee has entered the building with a gun and possibly some bombs. He has no hostages. It seems like he wants to be heard on a bigger stage... WORLWIDE! He has concerns about Earth. Pollution, over population, and saving the planet. After thinking we have all become zombies and will never stand up for a cause... it looks like someone has!
Now if you want to check out his site go here http://savetheplanetprotest.com/ but I have a good feeling they are taking it down... cause I have not been able to access it! POLICE STATE!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I am throwing cookies on MTV's Silent Library
Here is part of the episode of MTV's Silent Library, where I throw cookies at the lead singer of Never Shout Never. Do I really look like that? Oh and thank god I got some sun this summer, because I look very white in this video!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I'm singing I don't know why!?

This pick doesn't reflect my post...but look... Sponge Bob Slippers! LOL!
I am so sick of waking up at 4:20am. How do people do it? I am just counting down the hours until my nap. Following that I will be practicing and it's going to be a hot one. It is 90+ degrees with very, very high humidity. Yesterday I was working on some Jersey Trash Clothing shirts and was melting- Sweat bullets. Thank god I had some trusty watermelon handy! I recently bought two watermelons and I hit the jack pot. These balls of joy are absolutely amazing! So sweet and crunchy! The last watermelon I bought was a pure shit nugget! No taste.
I am heading down to Atlantic City saturday for dinner with my two younger brothers and then sneaking away to a party in Ocean City being held by Euforia Clothing, then back to A.C. for some clubb'n. Work hard party hard... but soon I need to cut back on some of this partying. Staying up late on Saturday really hurts Monday & Tuesday's training.
For all you shot putters Justin Rodhe put together a throwing glove used for training with heavier shots. It's worth the money and lasts years. I mean would you rather save $20.00 and destroy your wrist or would you spend $20.00 and save your wrist. Your call! GLOVE HERE
Monday, July 19, 2010
MMM Breakfast!
Starting off the week with a energy packed breakfast.
6am breakfast:
4 eggs w/cheese
16oz Raw Milk
1/2 cup of Blueberries
a bowl of watermellon
Green Tea
6am breakfast:
4 eggs w/cheese
16oz Raw Milk
1/2 cup of Blueberries
a bowl of watermellon
Green Tea
nutrient dense breakfast,
powerful foods,
raw milk
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Birthdays, Training, MTV's Silent Library

I think I need to blog more often?! What do you think? So, what's going on now in my life??? This week there are two big birthdays. My sister Jessica turns 21 and my sister in law Angela turns 30... It's amazing how fast time goes. It felt like it was only yesterday when Jessica was floating upside down in the pool (long story, but she survived) and as for Angela... mmm I won't go there! LOL.
Time has been teaching all of us a couple of major things... one being how important eating healthy and exercising is for the body. Angela has lost 15lbs or so since June, and Jessica is frequently visiting the gym. Being an athlete of life, I have come to realize what foods effect my moods and energy. I know I only understand 10% of the whole picture, but even just that percentage is having a huge impact on my life. I constantly try to reinforce the fact of nutrition and exercise to my family... I think some of it is getting through to them.
I have been preaching about how flour is bad, breads are bad etc. My dad stopped eating white bread. Did he learn this from me? No! He learned it from Oprah. So, what ever Oprah says goes!
As my blog readers know, I have been injured the last 3+ months. I am close to 100% healed! I have been able to workout, throw, run and jump. It feels amazing to move my body again. I still have alot of ground to cover. We are 23 months away from the 2012 Olympic Trials and that's how long it's going to take me to get into the position to throw 68+ feet. All the training experiences over the past 16 years are now collected as one. I know what works for my body. I know what stress my body has to go through to see adaption. I know amount of throws needed, nutrition, mind set and the list goes on. From all of this we (Dane Miller www.garagestrength.com) and I are coming up with a plan that will bring me back to my highest strength levels without sacrificing what I have done these past 2.5 years. It's keeping Dr. Bundarchuk's philosophies at the most importance while increasing 5-7 pounds a month in my bench, squat and olympic lifts.
Now to keep my self occupied with a hobby/stress reliever, I am planning on starting a Vlog on youtube that will track my daily activities over the next 23 months. I am loosing my head with work, training and Jersey Trash CLothing that I need to do something fun. Hopefully this will be the outlet.
Oh and the new season of MTV's Silent Library is on. I don't know what week I will be on, but keep an eye out for me!
PS..The above picture reminds me that I need to get my eyes checked and some new glasses! Later!
jersey shore,
jersey trash,
jon kalnas,
new jersey shot put,
silent library
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Ugh Okay I will stretch....

Warm-up and stretch or not to warm up and stretch? That is the question. I guess I will. Today is a day off where I usually do an active recovery, but I am finding it difficult to do this. I blame the internet and it's wonderful get-a-ways. Currently I have an OCD to check out sites like www.mindcrap.com and www.liveleak.com I just can't get enough of them.
My injury that kept me out of quality training is still present, but alot better. I am able to perform many movements that I couldn't do 6 weeks ago. When I first started back I had dropped from 59-60ft with the 18lb to 51 ft. Yes! a 8-9 decrease in throws. I am currently back up to 56 ft with the 18lb shot. Each week I am finding it a bit more tolerable to add in a bit more volume whether that be reps or exercises. Soon I will be back in full swing. As for meets... they are a no go this summer but I hope to participate in Delaware's Fall meet in September. Maybe by then I will be at 20 meters again.
Now paying more close attention to detail, I have noticed that I am weak as shit! However I am still able to get the ball moving (specific strength goodness). I feel that if I can get my strength back up or even surpass my old personal best along with working the Dr. B theories that big things can happen. Now, I am not looking to put up big numbers in 8 months I am thinking more like 20 months! Yes increasing weight in small increments of 7-10lbs monthly over an extended amount of time. I know what your thinking "7-10lbs is alot for 20 months... he'd be benching 550lbs!" When I say I am weak I mean really weak that a 7-10lb increment monthly will put me back up to my old numbers. This will keep muscle healthy (I hope so) rather than forcing fast strength gains which could lead to an unhealthy muscle. Strong but not dynamic to drop bombs! If I can stay at a slow akward pace towards March 2012, I think my response to training would be fantastic. Hey I am 30 and need to take it easy!
okay I need to stretch now or I won't do it.
Monday, May 17, 2010
What Happened To The Season?

What happened to the season!?!?! Looks like its a no go. I have not had a quality practice since the last week in March! AAAHHH! It's frustrating but I feel nature is telling me to rest.. completely. After the groin area injury, I began to get in some light workouts (no more than 30min). I Felt good enough to now get back on track. I had a throwing day with my normal weighted shots and took the following day off to rest the groin. Then the next day... I got sick! Like fever sick! Not sure what it was but it seems every 6 years I get sick like that. So, I was on the couch... for 4-5 days. The positive... I did nothing and rested completely. The negative.. I didn't eat a thing and lost a bit of weight. Okay sickness is over... now my right foot is bothering me ... why? No clue! Now it feels better... "lets start saturday" I told myself... what do I do? I dropped an Fing big metal trash can on my other foot's big toe while wearing flip flops. I thought I lost my toe!
So, tomorrow is the day that I plan on getting a full practice in. Since USA Nationals is out of the picture... maybe I will shoot for a 20+ meter throw at the Delaware meet in September... that sounds like a plan!
I don't know when the MTV gig will air. I will be getting an email letting me know when the show will air. I will keep everyone posted.
If anyone is in Wildwood this Memeorial Day weekend stop by Gary's Boards. Our Jersey Trash Clothing Line will be there on display and for sale! Check out the site www.garysboards.com
Monday, April 19, 2010
30yrs old:( Hurt & MTV

I turned 30 yesterday...it sucks! The twenties are gone! Wait what happened to the 20's? I don't even remember them? There is more of a realization now than ever that time waits for no one. So, these are 100% my last 2 years of throwing. It's scary but yet a bit exciting. What will I do after this? I know that I will be physically active but in a different way. I am ready to look good! When I am finally done with this sport I will drop back down 30 or 40 pounds. I haven't seen my abs in almost 10 years!
First I need to get over this injury. I have had a strained muscle and ligament in my right hip for a month now. It's getting better but I have not been able to do anything explosive and I am loosing my mind! It's exercise with drawl! I got lucky and the trainers at Monmouth University are allowing me to use the ice bath tomorrow. That will add to the healing process, and hopefully will be doing some light tosses by Friday afternoon. We'll see!
Last Wednesday I was in NYC and walked from 18th to 57th street... it took 45minutes! The reason I was in NYC was for an MTV rehearsal for SILENT LIBRARY. Me in a tight spandex outfit, John Travolta look-a-like, a mime, a long haired dude that sings opera. This who was running around me while "I want my MTV" song played in the background.. It was pretty cool. It's interesting what they have me doing and if all goes well I will be causing some pain on some college kids. I will keep everyone posted on that!

Weird? MTV.. huh? I have come to the conclusion that you can not sit around and wait for things to happen. Everyone I spoke to at the studio said that they have their information out there for contact, they e-mail everyone and this is how they get noticed and get work. So, the tip of the day... seize the opportunity and keep life interesting. I guess that is why I get lucky and do some weird stuff. Who wants to live an uneventful life?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Penn Relays 2010

If the Penn Relays weren't exciting enough, with big time runners, jumpers and throwers. Speaking of throwers Nick Vena is timing up a big throw at Penns, now Usain Bolt will be running! He will be competing Saturday April 24th in the USA vs. The World. There is going to be thousands more people there now! I wonder if I should go? More to read here.... http://www.usatf.org/news/view.aspx?duid=USATF_2010_04_08_10_37_59
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Nothing to do today...So went to the nude beach!

It's been two weeks since I touched a shot put. I have been able to finally warm-up and stretch but it's still tender. If I were to do anything explosive I would most definitely make it worse. Time is the only therapy...oh and my crazy ass massage I will be getting tomorrow...it will hurt so good! So, since I have this free time I have been working on some Jersey Trash Clothing Stuff (new site and designs by Volcom and Airwalk designers coming soon!) and just resting. Yesterday I went to the beach to get some color and today I went again... this time to the nude beach! It was kinda weird... Okay it was really weird... but it made for an interesting day! No I did not get nude!!!! I am trying to get some color for a little Joby job-job... wink ;) in New York City this month. It's going to be fun and when the time is right I will let you all know what it is! If anyone is interested in health, fitness or my particular injury to my Illiopsoas muscle then go to strengthathletes.com
Sunday, March 28, 2010
March 28th

The last few days sucked! It's cold and as I mentioned before, I strained a muscle in my lower abdomen well it got worse. I could not finish practice on Friday and I took Saturday and Sunday off. I am looking to take Monday off too. My lower right back is also nagging me which is effecting my right leg. I feel like I have a bone disease of something, just achy all over. I have never felt this 'drag' before. I hope taking 3 days off will allow me to heal up and get some needed rest.
This has thrown off the begining of my out door season. There is a meet at Princeton on April 3rd but I am feeling that I may not compete until the 17th which is also at Princeton. That means that I will not be going Atlantic City on the 16th.... but who knows?! Everything is up in the air now. Okay done whining... going to eat some chilly then pick up my RAW MILK!!!! MMMM!
This has thrown off the begining of my out door season. There is a meet at Princeton on April 3rd but I am feeling that I may not compete until the 17th which is also at Princeton. That means that I will not be going Atlantic City on the 16th.... but who knows?! Everything is up in the air now. Okay done whining... going to eat some chilly then pick up my RAW MILK!!!! MMMM!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
March 24th YATTA!

I started a new training phase this week and I am sore! I also have a groin issue that has been bothering me for a week, so tomorrow is an off day to rest and recover. The last two days have been rain here in New Jersey. My throwing shoes are soaked which leads to my socks being soaked which means my shoes stink. If I can smell them then I know my clients can smell them! I need to wash and dry these things asap!
This weekend I will be throwing at the Monmouth Season Opener depending on my groin. The goal for Saturday is 62+ feet, Chipotle and some drinks in Red Bank during the night. I need to just chill out and relax, but be in bed at a decent time. Last Saturday I was in NYC for Caitlin and Ryan's B-day party. We did not get back to Staten Island until 4:30am and that really killed me Sunday and Monday. As long as I am back in bed by 1 or 2 this weekend then I will be fine.
As for my outdoor schedule... I am still trying to figure that one out. Might be at Princeton next week might not... who knows. I do know that I will be in Atlantic City on April 16th to celebrate my 30th Birthday (TERRIBLE.. WHat happened to the last ten years?) and watching a college roommate of mine, Haz, Smash someone's face in at a MMA fight at the Tropicana. Can't wait!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Gloomy Friday, Bright future!

Nice picture of an older couple... Now if you want to laugh... look to the right in the background!
The last couple of weeks here have been fun. Last week #2 in the Nation Nate Hunter came to New Jersey to get a throwing day in with the Monmouth crew. He must have taken 30+ throws ranging from 62-65ft. That following weekend he did not throw well at the IC4A's but is still due for a big throw. Today is NCAA DI Championships, hopefully he can knock off a big throw there.
Bryce from Temple is training here this week. While everyone else is out at the beaches for spring break he has been here getting alot of hammer and shot put work. Abe Flores, the Monmouth T&F Throws coach is giving him some good feedback and looks to be rubbing off. He has been tossing the 20lb hammer far. Not sure on the distance but it's going a long ways. I think he will finish his track career on a high note.
Now, today Ryder University is coming to practice with us. Hopefully I can get a quality practice in because "the Nut" John Clark will be here.
Tomorrow Dane Miller of Garage Strength will be attending a practice. I am excited about that since he is making my program and likes to bust my balls about everything I do. So, hopefully tomorrow will be another good quality throws day. I wish every week was exciting like this.
Outside of throwing my brother Justin and I have a couple oppurtunities this spring and I hope we take great advantage of them. One being working with some high profile celebrities, Jersey Trash Clothing being in it's first retail space, and two others that I don't want to mention because no one knows! Once they are finalized YOU will hear if first!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Great Training Day!
57 degrees here in New Jersey. It felt absolutely amazing! This was my 3rd day outside and 3rd day with the 17lb shot put. I improved on Friday's mark of 59.7 to 60.9ft today. The best part is that I am not use to the size of the outdoor ball, I am working a different start than the past and I was going about 80% to stay consistant. Now, you may think 60 feet with the 17lb is not that great... but if you know me I can't throw for shit in practice, I only throw well at meet so... that being said, I am excited to see the competition shot fly over 20meters again in May/June time. Hopefully at USA's!
Also, any High School athlete in NJ, Monmouth University is having a meet this Thursday night at 5pm for High School Athletes at the new indoor facility. It be a great idea to increase your indoor PR & tune up for the High School Nationals! Click here for meet information!
Also, any High School athlete in NJ, Monmouth University is having a meet this Thursday night at 5pm for High School Athletes at the new indoor facility. It be a great idea to increase your indoor PR & tune up for the High School Nationals! Click here for meet information!

Friday, February 19, 2010
week of Feb 15th-19th.

Training thus far... Well I am tired. That was the first thing that came to me when I thought of "how training is going." I tweeked my left calf... again, while driving out of the back of the ring. I did that tuesday... but today it was good.. Not 100% but good enough to get the throws in. I have been throwing 60 ft high consistantly but cant rip the hell out of one. My nervous system is still down. On top of that I realize 260lbs is not heavy enough at my height (6ft). So, I am going to be focusing more on the nutrition side of training. I usually eat very well, but just enough to fuel and recover from workouts but nothing to make gains. I guess I will have to turn it up a notch.
Well I probably sound like I am in a rut... well I am not... I am just tired, it's been a long day and I got stood up for the 2nd time today by my Lacrosse player client. He is going to get an ear full Monday. On a lighter note... RAW MILK comes tommorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for this awesomeness... Did I spell that right?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Widener Results..
Well, my body felt okay. I thought it would feel good enough for a 19.70m+ throw but it did not happen. I started off pretty good with my first three throws being 18.47, 18.90, 19.08. The 4-6th throws were terrible. I was falling out the left side, starting too fast which made it impossible to hit the positions at the front blah blah blah. I just could not handle the energy of the meet. The good that I can pull out of this is that my first three throws were at about 75% intensity and felt really easy.
What's the future plan? I will be getting more reps in this indoor season with the Monmouth squad. Indoor Nationals is a no go for me this year. To many variables weighing against me, so I will be staying in NJ and training through up until the Outdoor Nationals in June.
What's the future plan? I will be getting more reps in this indoor season with the Monmouth squad. Indoor Nationals is a no go for me this year. To many variables weighing against me, so I will be staying in NJ and training through up until the Outdoor Nationals in June.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Widener U. 2/5/10 & winter storm
Practices have gone well this week. I have started a new phase (which kicks my ass) and will be getting a rise out of my body today (the fifth day). That is why I will be traveling to PA for a meet at Widener University. After this week my nervous system will be down, so it's time to get a better throw in this indoor season before all focus turns to USA Outdoor T&F Nationals. The meet will go on despite the weather. They are calling for 12+ inches in South Jersey/Philly. Maybe some sledding after, HMMMMM?!?!??!! I will post late this evening with the results.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Millrose Games a No GO!
So after numerous e-mail conversations this past month with the Millrose crew, it has been relayed to me that I will not be throwing there this year. Due to time (with tv and all) they could only keep the field to four throwers (nelson, hoffa, taylor & cantwell). I have been lucky in the past to sneek my way in but this year is a no go. Dane Miller and myself set up this month to peak this week, which I am feeling. I was ripping practice bombs of 19meters+ which is amazing for me. I usually don't throw far in practice. So, now that this is my peak week, I will be watching Millrose Games on tv, ESPN from 8-10pm. Next week I will throw at Widner University. I should throw very well. Monday of next week is the start of a new phase. This phase will make me sore Monday-Thursday (thursday off day) and friday I will have a rise out of my nervous system. We call it the 5 day new phase peak. After this rise on Friday night my nervous system will go into the gutter for 2 weeks before my body begins to respond to training again. Now, 2 years of this type of training has shown results during the 5th day, and the 4th-5th week. Lets see if we can prove our findings correct next week at Widner!
Ontop of that we got some sick Jersey Trash stickers so if you want some sent to you, in order to help us promote our business then send us an e-mail at jerseytrashclothing@gmail.com
Also, be on the look out for my vlog which will be starting soon on youtube... I need a hobby!
Ontop of that we got some sick Jersey Trash stickers so if you want some sent to you, in order to help us promote our business then send us an e-mail at jerseytrashclothing@gmail.com
Also, be on the look out for my vlog which will be starting soon on youtube... I need a hobby!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
It's been a long time!
Oh it's been a while hasn't it? Let me get you up to date with what I am doing. Training is going well. I have been getting tons of throwing reps in 4 times a week. 24 total shot throws followed by 4x10 30lb Med ball throwing specific drills. So, the grand total is 64 throws a day. Not bad. I have been throwing into a net, therefore I don't know my distances. Three weeks ago was a very good week. Technique was effortless and I was catching the ball back far. The last two weeks I have been rushing the throw and loosing that perfect throw feel. Hopefully, tommorrow (start of a new week) I can work on getting back quality throws.
JTC aka Jersey Trash Clothing is going well also. We have two graphic designers working on our stuff. One worked for Volcom and the other did shirts for Airwalk. The designs will be up soon.. hopefully! It's a process to get this stuff from an idea to up and going on the website. Here is one of our woman's designs
JTC aka Jersey Trash Clothing is going well also. We have two graphic designers working on our stuff. One worked for Volcom and the other did shirts for Airwalk. The designs will be up soon.. hopefully! It's a process to get this stuff from an idea to up and going on the website. Here is one of our woman's designs

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